The Blueprint to Letting Go


“I bought your book to go over what went wrong in my last relationship and learned lots. What surprised me is that I had more red flags myself than I thought. It really helped me and taught me a few things I need to work on if I want to get what I want to get. Very helpful book, Tawny.” – DV

“F*cking amazing book! It really opened up my eyes. Officially read!” – Melissa, C.

“Thought I was buying the book to help me figure out red flags in other people. Come to find out, I had more red flags than anyone I have dated. I have some work to do. Thank you, Tawny.” – JW

“This book was like reading several chapters out of my current relationship. I need to pay attention to behaviors rather than what I am being told. I could have saved myself a year of BULLSHIT.” – SL